RW Tuesdays: Love Your Neighbor

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RW TUESDAYS | 9:15-11 AM *Childcare provided*

Love Your Neighbor

“Love your neighbor as yourself…” Simple words yet some of the hardest to actually live out. This semester we will focus on three types of relationships including those within our own homes.


The first four weeks will focus on loving our husbands by praying for them. In these four weeks we will dive into why it is important to pray for our spouses and what and how to pray for them. Each class time will include opportunity for practice individually and in small groups. Curriculum used will include 5 Things to Pray for Your Spouse by Michael & Melissa Kruger and The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.


The following six weeks will focus on loving our children by equipping them to grapple with current cultural issues. This study will “help equip you to discuss these topics and guide your children through difficult issues such as pornography, identity, homosexuality, abortion, technology, and more from a gospel perspective.” Course material includes practical, hands-on application and discussion for specific age groups including preschool, elementary, preteen, middle school, high school, and young adult. Curriculum being used is Christ-Centered Parenting: Gospel Conversations on Complex Cultural Issues by Russell Moore and Phillip Bethancourt.


The final five weeks of study will focus on biblical friendship. “If Jesus is right that there is no greater love than to lay down our lives for our friends (John 15:13), we need to learn this love as if our life depends on it. No Greater Love walks us through biblical friendship—a love that’s been neglected and malnourished in our modern world.” Curriculum being used is No Greater Love by Rebecca McLaughlin.


$40 without childcare

$60 with childcare


This study will run from Tuesday, January 16 through Tuesday, April 30 (no meeting Spring Break week).  The meeting location is Restoration Church. The Tuesday morning study includes food, fellowship, teaching, and large & small group discussion time.

Childcare is provided for ages 0-7. Children ages 2 and above will have a structured learning time with wonderful Bible curriculum and teachers. Their time will include playtime, a Bible lesson, game, craft and snack.


Ø  Due to our desire to provide quality classroom environment we need to cap the number of children in childcare at 70. If you register after this cap, you will be placed on a waiting list.

Ø Scholarships are available. If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Nicole at

Ø Moms who have children in childcare will be put on the “sub list”. Those dates are assigned and will be passed out the first week of study.

Ø If you will be bringing additional children with you in need of childcare that are not your own, please contact Meghan at to check on availability.



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